affiliated celebrity
affiliated celebrity
They are from Master Entertainment.
Owner of Important Intangible Cultural Heritage No. 5 Pansori (Chunhyangga) Master Singer Shin Young-hee
Group DIOS active as a fandom
Shin Younghee
Holder of the National Intangible Cultural Heritage No. 5 Pansori (Chunhyangga) of the Republic of Korea
UN Peace Ambassador
Director, Korean Pansori Conservation Society
25th Dongri Grand Prize
Korea Hwagwan Order of Cultural Merit
and many others
조 수 황
대한민국 국가무형문화재 제5호 판소리(춘향가) 이수자
2023 국회 문화체육관광위원회 위원장 표창
2023 제8회 INAK 사회공헌대상 문화공로대상
제24회 대한민국 남도민요경창대회 명창부 대통령상
제32회 동아국악콩쿠르 판소리 일반부 금상
신 동 수
울진 토원 도예 대표
중국 도자 명인 100인전 출품
일본 도예 교류전 출품
group DIOS member
DIOS main vocal
Won the UN World Peace Volunteer Service Award
group DIOS member
DIOS Center (rap, song, dance)
Won the UN World Peace Volunteer Service Award
group DIOS member
DIOS Hycon Rapper
Won the UN World Peace Volunteer Service Award
group DIOS member
In charge of DIOS rap and singing
Won the UN World Peace Volunteer Service Award
group DIOS member
In charge of DIOS rap and singing
Won the UN World Peace Volunteer Service Award